Friday, September 28, 2012

Motherhood has sucked the life out of me

OK so maybe not really.  Or maybe so.  I guess its just made me lame and boring.  Or is that the definition of  the title?  Here's the thing, apparently, I used to have a sense of humor.  I used to have interesting things to say and interesting stories to tell.  Of course, I didn't think that's changed.  To me, the things my kids do and say are HILARIOUS!  But repeating them to others, more often then not, sounds, well, lame and boring.  Going through old facebook posts proves I was once witty and comedic.  That's it.  They've sucked the life out of me.  They've sucked the personality right out of me leaving me overflowing with only comments and stories about THEM!!  I love my kids dearly, but set me down in front of you with a no kid talk rule, and Ive got nothing.  NOTHING I SAY!!!  Do I even have a name?  Pretty sure I'm referred to as Mom, or enter child's name here's mom.  I think it starts with an M or some letter close to that.  Maybe I'm being dramatic. But I'll be honest.  Its not so much the kids that have done this to me, it the TWINS that have done this.  Twins are adorable, and funny, and fight allot, and demand allot, and basically take up like 20 hours of my day.  This is their fault.  Yes. Their fault indeed.  The mothering practices I used on my older kids with great success have failed me this time around.  I let them get away with things I wouldn't DREAM of letting the others do.  Their bullies I tell you!!  They tag team me into submission!!  They wear me down to nothing til I don't care anymore!!  Wait!  Marylynn.  That's my name!!  Marylynn!!  Where are you?  I know your somewhere inside that Mom person!!  Its OK to come out!  I wont let them lose you again!  Hmmm.  It looks like shes going to need allot more coaxing.  Guess I need to work on that.  And honestly, I love my kids more than anything.  I love being a mom, and I love being with them.  But I have really got to try and find myself again.  I WILL find a balance between Mom and Marylynn.