Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh, how differently we see the world!!

My husband comes home on a day like today, and says "what did you do today?"
Well dear, I know the house is a mess, dinners not ready, and I havent washed a piece of laundry, but Im tired. Its been a long day.
Why? you ask?
I say
"I woke up this morning, and did the usual tasks. Dog taken outside, kids fed, bathed and dressed. Then, oh husband dear, we took your car to the transmission shop to be looked at as promised. It took several hours so we walked a few blocks to Mcdonalds, and I sat there while the kids played. Then we walked back. Not an easy walk, as I came to find out, being 8 months prego with twins!"
What he hears
"I lounged around for a few hours, then we went out and had a relaxing lunch while you slaved away at work and were forced to eat leftovers."
I say
"After that, we had to go to the dreaded WAL MART because our poor pooch ran out of food last night, and needs to be fed. And also we needed to buy the reload card for your world of war craft. Which by the way, they were out of. We discovered this after the mad dash for the bathroom for the 4 year old who nearly wet himself. Then we got to have the ole battle over the treat at the register."
He hears
"Then we went shopping, and no, I didnt get anything for you. sorry!"
I say
"After getting home, I really wanted to sit for a minute, but the kids were freaking out about going to the pool, cause I made the mistake of mentioning this morning if there was time today maybe we could go. So next came bathing suits, towels, slathering them all with sunblock, and the great inflatable hunt. But of course, as soon as we got there, Tyler fell into hysterics because for some reason, that kid is afraid of swimming, yet insists on going!! After giving up on getting him to get in further than the second step, I took a well needed break on a lounger. Then after breaking up fight after fight (shes getting me wet!! He keeps throwing his toys in and making me get them!) I dragged them home. We had to be sly though, and sneak through the back as to not be spotted by the door to door salesmen that had already passed up our house."
He hears
"I layed out by the pool for an hour or so. Man that was tough!"
I say,
"I did get about 45minutes of peace, that I decided to take advantage of by doing absolutely nothing. Then it was off to Tball practice. Loading up once again, sitting through an hour of something I find incredibly boring (sorry Ty) then the pleasure of forcing the kids to leave the park so that I could get home and get dinner on the table. Im tired, my feet hurt, by body aches, and Im slightly sunburned, but I will still manage to find the time to feed you, throw in a load of wash, do the dishes, and make sure the house is picked up cause Im just that amazing."
He hears
"the rest of my day was spent sitting around the house, and having fun with the kids at the park. So how dare you expect me to do anything else. Its exhausting spending a day doing nothing."
You know I love you honey. : )

Friday, May 8, 2009

The art of T-ball.

What is better than watching a boat load of 4 year olds playing T-ball? That first game cant be beat. Its adorable to watch your kid jump in on a 5 kid pile-up and the look on the face of the poor kid who actually got to the ball first as he's being tackled to the ground. The boy who just keeps running. To where? Who knows. But he was told to run, bless his heart, and gosh darn it hes not stopping. That first game is great. Then it continues; second game, still pretty good. Third game? Darn it. These kids are actually learning how to play. Fourth game? At least there are only 2 innings to this sport. Fifth game? Really? Another one? Didnt you just have a game? I really do love watching my son play, but I cant help but fear what the future holds for this soccer-or tball rather-mom. 12 year olds arent as fun to watch as 4 year olds. I dont want to see talent, I want to see cuteness. And I really dont want to sit through hours of games. But I will. Cause thats my job. I will be in that cheering section every week with my super fun 'baseball mom' shirt throwing all of my support behind my kid and I promise I will watch almost the whole thing.
The disheartening part is the fact that I have 2 more older children who have recently decided they would like to play sports too. Brooklyn is really liking the idea of tball herself, and toris got her sights set on basketball. Throw into the mix piano lessons, guitar lessons, the possibilty of dance class, and two more kids on the way (because its only a matter of years before the sports cycle starts again) and this moms social life is officially over. But I suppose such is the price we pay for the happiness of our children.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Holy crap why does he drive me crazy?!

Who, you might ask? but my wonderful husband. Now, dont get me wrong. I love him to death, but yesterday he was in a little accident at work. What does this mean? No work for a week. Yes, a week!! So not only do I get the pleasure of dealing with the financial stress of no paycheck for a week-not an easy pill to swallow to a single income family living paycheck to paycheck- but I get to have him home. With me. For a week. Like I said, I love him, but we dont do well spending too much time together. Besides the fact that he's incredibly moody. So, Im already going insane, and this is only day 2. Wish me luck. And patience.