Wednesday, September 30, 2009


My daughter Tori (who is 9) says some pretty funny things. Im gonna keep track of them here...
-I gave her a little pep talk about getting a period. Yes, shes only 9, but you never can be too careful. Later, she must have been still thinking about it cause she asked me "do I have to go to the dr. to get my triangle thing?"
-So while I was making dinner, the baby was in his bouncer screaming. I asked Tori to go fix him..."Im not giving my brother a vasectomy!!!" -now this one, she wasnt serious, but its still funny.
When holding the baby on her shoulder, I said, "hold his head so it doesnt fall". Alarmed, she looked at me and said "off!?!?"
In response to a commercial advertising a walk to raise money for breastcancer. She says "How far do you have to walk to not get cancer?"

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where HAVE I been?

Now, I know people most likely dont read this, but if nothing else, its a good way to get my thoughts down. I could go into the deep recesses of my mind, and let you all know what really goes on in this head, but hey. I dont want to be committed.
So where have I been lately? Being an amazing mom and wife!lol No really. I had my twins 7/8/09. Awesome birthday, and so easy to remember for the mother with a headful of birthdays and other such numbers. Ive never been one for numbers, and theres just too many to remember. Thank the lord for cell phones, otherwise I would never know anyones number. But I digress. Its not easy being a momma of twins. Im up all night, and it seems someone is always crying. During naptime, I have to make the all important decision of what to do? Shower? Clean? Cook? Sleep? Or maybe just watch tv and paint my toenails. I dont know how a mother with triplets or more can do it. I flirt with insanity on a daily basis. Oh wait. I hear a baby now! Sounds like...Corbin. Phew. Hes drifted back off into dreamland. Now where was I? Hmmm. The one plus to all of this, besides the fact that I have 2 beautiful baby boys, is my hubby has never been more appreciative. Its so nice to feel like what I do is noticed.
Now, Ive never been one to let having a baby get in the way of life, but wow. We dont get out much. Theres no way Im leaving this house before 10am, cause our best sleep is sometime between 5 and 10am. And naptime is sometime between 1 and 5pm. Cant leave the house then, cause I gotta shower, clean, cook, and possibly nap! Not to mention I still seem to have prego brain. So, sorry for my flakey-ness.