Thursday, February 18, 2010

Size DOES matter

No, this is not a post about that -get your mind out of the gutter-. In fact, this i a post about being overweight. Im generally happy with myself. Of course there are things I would change if I had a magic wand, but overall, I can deal. My one fatal flaw always ends up being my weight. Ive never been thin, and thats ok. But why do we -as overweight people- have to be made to feel bad about it? All I ask is to not wear a plus size. Who came up with this horrible term? I think it should be banned. Its offensive. Being fat doesnt mean Im lazy. Im a stay at home mom of 5 kids. Always cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, helping with homework, and carting kids around to piano, tball, bday parties, etc. So please dont assume that I am lazy in any way! I read in a magazine that one problem we moms have is putting ourselves last, and doing nothing for ourselves but eat. I was enlightened! While on the go, I grab myself a huge vanilla frappuccino with whipped cream. mmm. This is how I do things for me. I dont get 20 minutes to go work out. I dont get a massage. I guess the idea is to re-program our minds and find new ways to pat ourselves on the back. If you think of one, let me know. But back to the original thoughts of this post. Im tired of feeling good about myself, then looking in a mirror or at a picture and seeing how huge I really am. Im tired of never having pants that fit properly. Im tired of my "relief society muscle". Why do clothing designers assume that if your fat, you want elastic waistbands and polyester pants? I know theirs stores you can find cute plus sizes, but I cant afford to pay $60 for pants. Why cant I go to Kohls and find something decent to wear in a size 18? And why is it assumed that because I wear an 18, I must be short? I am so frustrated over the whole stupid thing. I hate skinny people. You all suck!! Ok so I dont really hate you, but you do suck. Especially those of you who dont do a damn thing to be that way. I put on a lb just by thinking about chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Okay doll you totally know I get it. Go to lane Bryant. Jeans on sale for 30.00 and I felt AWESOME just trying them on. Your welcome. :)
