Monday, February 22, 2010

My addiction to the white stuff

As in sugar. Holy crap I cant get enough and its disgusting. Let me tell you what Ive eaten today: a bowl of rice krispies. with sugar added. 2 cups of coffee with a sugar filled creamer. Half a donut. Would've been more, but thats all there was. Enchiladas with a pepsi followed by a huge bowl of cookie dough ice cream. Then, cause I just cant help myself, grahm crackers with frosting. Nothing healthy, no fruit, no veggies. Sick I know. This is the beginning of my freedom from my sugar addiction. Ive read it can be a harder addiction to break than heroin, and I can see why. First off its easily accessible. I can excercise all day long and never lose a Lb with a diet like this. Time to re-train the taste buds. Now I dont think I can kick the habit completely, but I definately need to cut it down and add some healthy stuff to the mix. So starts my 2 week plan. I will cut out the bad, and add in the good. But dont expect me to cut out my coffee creamer. But the rest!! Here goes!! Ill be back tomorrow with an update!!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! I have horrible eating habits, and it is really hard to stop! I love sugar!! I love food!! It is my problem!
