Let me start with some explanation. I started WW early 2010. I lost 10lbs in about 4 weeks, then plateaued. I kept at it for another 8 weeks with no results and I quit. Nothing else I tried worked, so I tried WW online for a few months summer of 2010 with no results so I quit. Jan-April 2011 I did zumba and weight training every week with minimal results. May 2011 I joined an intense, cross-fit style gym where I worked incredibly hard 3-4 times a week through weight training and cardio. Was down 15in in 6 weeks, but no weightloss. That was ok with me though. A loss was a loss. I kept up at the gym, and joined WW once again in sep 2011, expecting amazing results from the pair. No such luck. I have not lost a pound in nearly a year. Naturally, I said why bother and quit it all, and yes, my pants have been feeling tighter. It seems that all my hard work of diet and excersize has done nothing more than help me maintain, which would be amazing if I weighed 160. But I dont. I weigh somewhere around 230.
It was the fall of 2011 that I decided something more must be wrong. Ive never had THIS much trouble losing weight. Now, Ive always struggled with my weight, but Ive never worked so hard and not had results. Lets be honest here. Ive never worked so hard period. Whats wrong with me? Im only 28 years old!! I finally decided that something more MUST be wrong with me, so I turned to my favorite doctor.The internet. I came to the conclusion that the problem was likely the anti depressents I started taking after I had my twins. I dont know this for sure, but its my assumption as I put on 20+ lbs 2 months after giving birth, despite breastfeeding twins and chasing 5 kids around all day. Anyway. I subsequently quit the anti depressents in Sept. but my motivation was shot. I have done nothing since then to attempt weightloss. At first the excuse was, whats the point until the meds are out of my system? Then it was, its christmas time! Who can diet? But, those excuses have run out of time. Im prozac free, and christmas is past. 2012 is quickly approachng and its time to give it another shot.
To end a long post, I KNOW I will get the results Im looking for this time. Work is something Ive never been afraid of, and this time, I fully expect results from my amazing-ness.
Consider this picture the beginning of my amazing journey, and know that I will NEVER look like this again :)
Oh how I understand. I have put on 10 of the 30 pounds I lost when me and Cody separated in 2010. I know I put the weight on from the severe depression I dropped into after losing the job I loved. Then just this last week I've put on 5 pounds more. Bringing me to a total gain since the end of September to 15 pounds. They are COMING OFF THIS MONTH! We got this!