Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lament of a stay at home mom

The most under paid, disrespected job of them all. No, not a junior high custodian or a walmart stocker, but a stay at home mom. Perhaps my job is more flexible than some. And by flexible I mean, I can go to a friends house for a playdate in the morning, and clean house later, but that doesnt mean its easy. Maybe I am slacking some mornings. But I certainly make up for it at 10pm. Maybe I do have "down time" where I get to play with the kids. But I also get to deal with the fighting, screaming, poopy diapers, spills, and all else that comes with the territory 24/7. I dont get weekends off. I dont get a full nights sleep. No, being a stay at home parent is not for the faint of heart. My house isnt spotless. I dont think I would like it that way anyhow. But my kids are happy, well cared for, and fed. I cook, clean, do laundry, change diapers, bath kids, drive to piano lessons, girl scouts, and any sports of the moment, I wake up at all hours of the night, sometimes for hours, I do all the grocery shopping with at least 2 kids, I make all appointments, and make sure whoever needs to be there is, I go to the bank, drop off the rent, pick up prescriptions...ok, you get it right? Basically I am at the beck and call of my entire family. Im tired of being told how easy I have it. I work damn hard. I dream of sleeping in on a sunday morning -of course these dreams are sporadically, in between waking babies. Now, this is meant as no disrespect to my dear husband, who I know works his butt off, but I do too!! Guess what people. There is no laundry fairy!! Other common errors? A good meal sometimes takes hours to make!! Just because the house is a mess now, does not mean I didnt clean it today. Twice!! Nursing babies takes time. And just because I choose to sit and nurse a baby or two doesnt mean Im lazy!! Guess what. I dont always like going to the park! Tball games and piano recitals bore me too! But I do these things because its my job. And I love it. But dont disrespect the stay at home. I think alot more parents should stay home. Our country is so obsessed with material possessions that we are all led to believe that we need 2 incomes to survive. Well, with sacrifice, you can live on 1!! Im not going to work just to pay for daycare, then come home and do all the things I do now. I dont need 2 full time jobs thank you. Maybe if more kids had a competent parent at home they would get in less trouble. Our kids should not be raising themselves. Take the kids who live behind me. They cuss like sailors, skateboard all over Jordan Landing -Ive almost hit them several times cause they dont get out of the road-, they pick on smaller kids, swim at the pool alone, the list goes on. Oh, and did I mention these kids are ages 7-12? And now they are in charge of their little brother all the time, who is around 4. Oh good. One more. I knew the 7 year old last year cause hes in Brooklyns class and he was a cute, good kid. Tyler used to love playing with him. This last year Ive watched him go downhill and its sad. My kids are no longer allowed to play with them. Tired of them getting punched and I dont want them talking the way they do. NO parental supervision. Being a stay at home parent should not be taboo. Now I understand the cases of single parents. Ive been there. You have to work and do it all. I understand that. And honestly, some days I would rather be at work outside the home. I did enjoy coming home to a clean house and kids that were happy to see me. Instead I get ornery kids, food thrown at me, dog mess to clean up and no reason to even put on mascara anymore. Im inches from a nervous breakdown at least 4 days a week. And I wouldnt trade it for anything.

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